Life’s Busyness and Surviving Spring Break

I cannot believe it’s been a week since I’ve posted. Maybe it’s because of sick kids (again), or soccer practices starting again, or actually hanging out with other people, or a birthday party to attend. Life has been busy this past week and a half. And, now… we’ve been on spring break! 

Ha, I had plans for our spring break. Nothing fancy like some I’ve seen on Facebook… But, I wanted to get the kids out of the house and have fun. Children’s Museum, the zoo, parks, skating maybe… Ugh. 

The first day, the kids had awesome fun just being outside☺️ My 18 month old actually went out in the grass! (He would usually just stick to the patio haha, but now he’s venturing out with his brothers & sister!) And… I met a neighbor! We’ve lived here almost a year, but I pretty much just talk to the older neighbors on each side of us. The new neighbor I met has 3 boys, and they love playing with my boys (and my daughter)! I don’t get out much, so it’s nice to meet someone (that also has kids) and have friends for my kiddos to play with.

Second day, I ended up having my grandson longer than expected, therefore had to stick to home most of the day. The kids went to their nana’s house though, and had lots of fun at the park, Dairy Queen, and dyeing Easter eggs. Thank goodness. And, I also had the opportunity to take a bath😌 

Today was our third day. Weather isn’t being very nice, windy and rainy, so I didn’t let kids go outside much. And, I didn’t want to get them out in it, especially since a few already have respiratory symptoms. But, I ended the day with pancake batter all over me, paint all over me, and I still have a messy kitchen. I made chocolate chip pancakes for dinner, cookies after lunch, and in between things I helped my 6 year old paint his birdhouse FINALLY! (He got it for Christmas) Hopefully, we can hang it in our tree by this weekend. It IS spring, isn’t it?

I suppose spring break hasn’t been a total loss. We still have some left! Either I’ll do more semi-fantastic things with them, or go completely insane from their constant bickering. Hahahaha. Ha. 

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